Book Review: A Certain Kind of Starlight by Heather Webber


Rating: 3.5⭐️

“For the women in our family, the ability to see a bright side and all that came with it was a near constant in our lives, first appearing almost two hundred years ago after a star fell from the sky onto family land. Legend was that somehow the fallen star with its special glow had given us the gift, and we felt honor bound to use it to bring light and hope and brightness to others.”

Set in the small town of Starlight, Alabama, A Certain Kind of Starlight by Heather Webber is a charming story that revolves around themes of family, sisterhood, friendship and starting over.

At the center of the story is sixty-four-year-old Verbena Fullbright, Aunt “Bean” to her nieces, half-sisters twenty-nine-year-old Addison “Addie” Fullbright and twenty-four-year-old Tessa Jane Cobb Wingrove Fullbright. Aunt Bean owns and runs the Starling Cake Company famous for its delectable treats that are believed to have special qualities that flood the taster with positive feelings. Starlight Field, which also belongs to the family, is of special significance to the family on account of a crater formed from a fallen star and the special lightened path where those in need found clarity of thought and direction. Addie, who moved away from Starlight years ago after the death of her best friend and is a famous voice artist and Tessa is nursing a broken heart after a broken engagement are called back to Starlight to take care of the bakery after Aunt Bean is diagnosed with a heart condition. The sisters have a complicated relationship and have never been close, but now things just might change. But the sisters have a lot to contend with – their personal problems, the stress of running the bakery, their concern over Aunt Bean’s health, long-buried family secrets, and the greedy intentions of Tessa’s maternal grandfather – before old wounds can be healed.

The narrative is presented from the perspectives of Addie and Tessa Jane in alternating chapters. I loved the small-town setting and adored Aunt Bean. I liked how each chapter started with Aunt Bean’s words of wisdom thoughtfully embedded in her baking tips! I loved how the author depicted the growing bond between the sisters and found both Addie and Tessa to be endearing characters. I have to mention the pets who made life for our characters very interesting, leading to several heartfelt and entertaining moments! I appreciated the underlying message of the novel – the importance of family and community and how crucial it is to try to look for the positive in one another and ourselves and allow positive energy into our lives. The author addresses sensitive topics such as domestic abuse, animal cruelty and abandonment with compassion.

There is a lot to like about this novel – the humor, the relationships, the well-thought-out characters and the element of magical realism , to name just a few. However, the narrative does feature a very large cast of characters and I found it difficult to follow how everyone was related/connected beyond a point. The author also weaves a tad too many subplots into the narrative, resulting in a slow-paced, unnecessarily complicated and convoluted story with overly dramatic moments (soap-opera vibes). The element of magical realism was interesting as a concept, but I wish it had been more deeply embedded into the narrative.

This is my second Heather Webber novel and though I didn’t love this one as much as At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities, I did find it to be a heartwarming story. I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

I paired my reading with the audiobook expertly narrated by Hallie Ricardo and Stephanie Willis making for an engaging immersion reading experience.

Many thanks to Tor Publishing Group/Forge Books for the gifted hardcover and the digital review copy via NetGalley. I’d also like to thank Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the ALC. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. 
