Book Tour Stop : Book Review - Veil of Doubt by Sharon Virts

Rating: 4.5⭐️

Set in 1872, Leesburg, Virginia, Veil of Doubt by Sharon Virts is based on the true story of Emily Lloyd, a widow who stands accused of poisoning her three-year-old daughter Maud. Maud had been recovering from a bout of ill health when her condition suddenly deteriorates and the attending doctor voices his suspicions. Maud’s death had been preceded by the deaths of Emily’s three other children and other members of Emily’s family, which resulted in rumors with many convinced that Emily was somehow responsible. Though initially reluctant to take Emily’s case, Powell Harrison, a brilliant attorney who has experienced similar loss in the past, finds himself sympathetic to Emily’s situation and eventually agrees to take her case. The narrative follows her defense team, headed by Powell, as they leave no stone unturned in unraveling the mystery behind the deaths in Emily’s family and proving her innocence.

Veil of Doubt is an exceptionally well-researched and gripping work of historical fiction. Superb characterizations, consistent pacing, and a skillfully structured narrative that combines elements of social commentary, forensics, courtroom drama, and suspense make for an immersive reading experience. I found the details on forensics and the legal procedure/justice system of that era fascinating. Not only do we get a glimpse into the societal divide and resulting tensions and socioeconomic struggles in the post-Civil War era, but the author also addresses how issues such as mental health and women’s rights were perceived in those times. I was invested in the story from the very first page and as the story progressed, I found myself conflicted over the question of Emily’s innocence – sympathetic to Emily’s grief and losses she suffered and the judgment she faced but also suspicious of the inconsistencies in her story and her demeanor. Though I wasn't completely surprised by a few revelations toward the end, this did not detract from my overall reading experience.

Do read the brilliantly penned Author’s Note, where she discusses the true events that inspired this novel, the facts and fictionalized elements in the plot, and much more.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and would not hesitate to recommend it to fans of historical fiction based on real events.

This was my first time reading this author, and I look forward to exploring more of her work in the future.

Many thanks to Girl Friday Books for the digital review copy of this novel and for inviting me to be a part of the Virtual Book Tour. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Veil of Doubt was published on October 10, 2023.


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