Book Review: Kill For Me Kill For You by Steve Cavanagh

Rating: 4.5⭐️

Having read and loved the author’s Eddie Flynn series, this is my first time reading any of his standalone novels (I’ve yet to read Twisted) and I loved it!

Amanda and Wendy meet in a grief support group, bond over drinks and share their stories of loss with one another. Both have lost a loved one as a result of separate acts of heinous crime and believe that law enforcement has failed to bring the perpetrator(s) to justice. They devise a plan to help one another – “kill for me kill for you” - each with a foolproof alibi to keep themselves off the radar of investigators.

Sounds familiar, right? Initially, though I was enjoying the plot, the well-fleshed-out characters and the incredible writing, I was prepared for a formulaic read. You’ll agree that a Patricia Highsmith-like plot (I loved the way the author weaves the same into the narrative) though enjoyable, isn’t quite unpredictable. I WAS WRONG! (I love when that happens!)

I won’t say more because I do not want to give too much away. The plot progression is a tad slow initially but after the 25% mark, with its multiple twists, shocking revelations and mostly satisfying (I felt one thread was left unresolved. Can we hope for a sequel?) ending, this was UNPUTDOWNABLE! Told through multiple perspectives, the suspenseful narrative kept me hooked till the very last page. (I’m still thinking about the ending and it’s been a few days since I finished the book!) There are moments where I couldn't not feel sympathetic toward the main characters and in others questioned their choices or was horrified by their actions. This is thriller that sets you on an emotional roller-coaster along with its characters. There are aspects that would require a suspension of disbelief but fans of this genre would agree that is to be expected in such stories. Don’t overthink it and enjoy the wild ride!

Is this my favorite Cavanagh novel? Probably not. The author sets a high bar with a few of his Eddie Flynn legal thrillers. But there is no doubt that Cavanagh is a master storyteller and with his latest offering, he does not disappoint! Overall I thoroughly enjoyed Kill For Me Kill For You by Steve Cavanagh, and can't wait to read more from this talented author in the future!

P.S. Though this novel is not part of the author’s Eddie Flynn series, a character we’ve met in the books is mentioned briefly. Loved that!
